Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My dad.....

My family went to my dad and his wife's house for dinner on Sunday. They have each one of my brothers or sister over for dinner and their families on Sundays, taking turns. My dad has always cooked dinner for the family ever since I can remember, my mom loved his dinners, we all do. His gravy has beet juice in it, and lots of fiber. He has tons of vegetables from his garden, and tons of fish and turkey, and hot rolls an the very best, his homeade rasberry jam. Aleeya ate four of them. we all just love his dinners. Traci is a good cook also and I'm sure does a lot of the cooking now. They are both so cute together, I'm so happy for them My dad deserves a good wife like Traci. Traci is lucky to have him also. Here are some pics of dinner:PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket
I felt so bad, I was sweeping and I broke one of her cute little glass things. Soooo bad. It was nice to take the kids over for dinner, the kids all love Traci's house and they think Grandpa is the best.
My dad is so good to my family, he helps the kids wiht pitching in softball, he is always asking how things are going. He is very good dad, I love him tons. He has taught me a lot. He was so good to my mom, he took care of her for so many years, he sacrificed so much to take care of my mom. She loved him, she hated when he was gone. I will write more of my sweet mom another time. Here is a pic of Traci and Greg.Photobucket

I'm calm, it's all good

So today just started out fine, got kids up ready for school, fed Luke, went to Great Harvest for bread, took a package to UPS, went to ORS for some good times. Aleeya called when I got home and she wasn't feeling well so I went and got her, she was fine, but took a nap and just woke up and it's 7:24 PM. SO then Luke and I decided to decorate a little for Halloween. Here are some pics:
I didn't get any of the spider webs in the tree it's pretty cool.
So after that we ran Daran to work and went to Target and got Noah some pants. Come home and do homework, homework, homework. So anyway I'm helping Muriaa write a HUGE paper. I swear I never had to write a 10 page paper even in high school. So all of the sudden I hear MOM. It was the AH OH MOM, Luke did something call. So here is some pics of that:
Isn't that great?? Luke got his first spanking. I don't know how to get polish out of the carpet. If you know, please let me know.

Anyways, I nursed him and he is asleep in my bed. Thats where he sleeps every night all night. Daran hates it, poor guy. So it's been a fun day. I'm watching Biggest Loser....thats another blog too.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Can I scream?? Can I say what I want while I scream it??

I swear Sundays are crazy around here, we have church a 8:30 and getting everyone up and ready is a PIA!!!! I had sharing time is primary, I teach every other Sunday, anyway, we played Jeopardy~~~ OUT OF CONTROL~~ It was fun.

Daran and I are at each other, with him working full-time and going to school full-time it's crazy. I don't ask for much from him. That's another blog.

I just LOVE to shop, I am obsessed with shopping, I can shop everyday, all day with my girls. I spent too much money this weekend in my girls. I really enjoy it though, I think there is one more thing I like to do more and that is eat good food. I really like food. I could never be skinny. I want to give all those skinny people a cheeseburger, EAT I tell ya. STUPID girls!! My family is obsessed with eating healthy, organic food, they are all going to waste away in their grave real fast. I'm actually just jealous of them.

We are going to dinner at Traci's house, she is my dads wife.

Here is my cute baby.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I love life too...

It seems like my life is really crazy but I really love life too. I got 2 cards from my girls this week, I think one was a copy of the first one. Anyway it just makes me feel so good when my kids think I'm doing OK. I just love my kids, they are so good and so fun.

Muriaa had two softball games last night, they tied the first one and lost the second one. She did awesome, she pitched most of both games. She had a lot of fun. They have four more games. I asked her last night if she wanted to join a comp team and she said no, I think she is kinda burnt out, she has been playing since April. She had a good season.

The kids go with Mike today for the weekend. I really don't like it when they go, but they love their dad. It is a nice break. Aleeya gets some anxiety every other Friday when they have to go, I don't know why, but she does.

It sucks so bad to only have one car, I'm stuck home all day and all night, if I need the car then I have to take Daran to work or the bus stop for school. I hardly do though because he leaves so early for school and he gets off work at midnight. blaeh.... I want to get out of here today though. I already cleaned the kitchen and mopped for the third time this week, I have nothing else to do but laundry and clean. I think Luke and I will walk to Bukoos, it's a funky store. I need to find me some shirts. I really need to lose 20 pounds....When will the breast feeding stop???

Monday, September 15, 2008


I worry sick about my kids I swear. I can't believe what I put my parents through, and I didn't realize it until I had my own, especially teenagers. I got into an argument with Hailey Saturday becuase she wanted to go to the mall with her friend Crystal, the argument was about me going and hanging out at the mall also. I wasn't going to follow Hailey around I was going to look around. Well she freaked out, so I thought she was up to something so after we talked about she was fine so we all went to the mall. Before I left I told her to come, she was like no way so I left her there. Well about 7 pm she calls and says can I go to Nightmare, it's a spook alley thing. I asked who she was going with and it was Crystals friend that is a boy and they were meeting more people down there. So I said NO like 100 times. So after an hour of fighting about it, I said call your dad and ask him. He said whatever. So she went. I told her to be home at 11. 11:30, no Hailey. I texted her and told her she was grounded, well first I called an she ignored me, then Daran called, ignored him also. Well she texted back about 5 minutes later and said she just got out of the haunted house. She would hurry home. I fell asleep, we have church at 8:30 am so the next thing I know she shows up to church late with Crystal, she stayed over 2 nights, which doesn't bother me. I don't allow sleepovers at other peoples homes, but OK at our house. So we just argued all day yesterday...blah

I worry and love my kids so much, I don't want Hailey to make the same choices I made I guess. Daran thinks I'm too lenient with her.

Well we did do something fun this weekend we went to the Dinosaur park Saturday it was dollar day for Weber State students. Here are some pics.

Here are some pics Hailey took, she takes awesome pics~


Here are some pics I took of Luke at Layton Park~


Friday, September 5, 2008


I truly have anxiety. My kids are on an airplane right now on their way to Las Vegas, they are with their dad. They were so excited when they got home from school today because they knew they were going on an airplane. I hope it all goes well and they are all safe. Luke doesn't like when his siblings are away for the weekend. I'm so thankful for my kids, I can't imagine life without a one of them.

I'm going to a shower with my sister in the morning, it is for my sisters neighbor, Julie is helping with the shower so I get to go sit with the baby for a little bit so she can go help. Her husband and mine are going golfing. blah.

I'm so frustrated with my husband right now, anyway that's a whole new blog. I need to go give my baby some attention.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fun Times....

Wow it's Tuesday already, we had a fun filled Labor day weekend. We went to Kemmerrer and Cokeville, Wyoming on Friday and Saturday, my brother Taft is building my dads cabin for the family. It is framed and had electrical and plumbing done. The view is beautiful. Here are some pics:
Back of cabin:
The river out back:
It's so beautiful there Taft is living up there in a trailer and goes over to the Kemmerre cabin to stay, he is bow hunting this week up there. This is him checkin for a trophy.
My dad is so awesome he pays my kids to pick tomatoes out of his garden here in Kaysville then we stopped at 4 or 5 houses in Wyoming so he can give buckets of tomatoes to people, he is so gracious, I'm sure he is so bleeses, he is an amazing dad. He is the one that took us up to Wyoming in his truck. We worked Friday at the cabin in Cokeville then went up to kemmerre and rode 4 wheelers, Luke LOVED it, he loves anything that goes.
We will miss going to the old cabin, my dad built it about 9 years ago. He still is part owner in the cabin but we will just go to Cokeville. Here are soem pics of the old cabin...good times...
The back yard and lake..
Kids at the lake er pond...
The dogs Zeggy and Skite were a lot of fun, Zeggy has ADD, I ran her over once, she fell off the 4-wheeler once, she is a crazy dog. Her bark is like a high pitch scream.

I took the kids to the mall shopping Labor day for school clothes, they got paid for working at the cabin from my dad, they got some good deals. It was a lot of fun, Luke loves shopping as much as the girls. julie and josh came over for lunch also, we had ABC Mandarin chinese food..yummooo...blec